Kataloghersteller plastic construction elements
Ukraine-made plastic construction elements – brief overview
1. Production of plastic construction elements in Ukraine
Ukraine produces wide assortment of plastic construction elements. For instance, according to the results of 2018 it produced: 2,689.9 thousand pieces of plastic windows and window frames, doors and door boxes, thresholds, 81.5 thousand pieces of plastic door leaves and door boxes, 863.9 thousand pieces of plastic glazed windows, 2,644.1 thousand square meters of vinyl chloride polymer coverings for floors, walls or ceilings in rolls and plates and 4,337.6 thousand square meters of coverings for floors, walls or ceilings of other plastics, 2.44 thousand tons of plastic accessories for furniture, vehicles, 25.44 thousand tons of construction elements used for making floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs, 1,205.5 thousand pieces of sanitary-technical products. [1]
2. Largest producers
‘VIKNAR’OFF’ LTD (‘Viknar’off’ TM) [2] is one of the largest metal-plastic structures’ producers in Ukraine. Monthly production capacity of the 50,000-square meter factory exceeds 100 thousand pieces of metal-plastic structures of any type: windows, doors, balcony sets, sliding systems and structures of complex configuration.
‘MIROPLAST’ LLC (‘WDS’ TM) [3] is one of Ukraine’s leaders in terms of PVC profiles production. The plant is equipped with 29 extrusion lines with production capacity of 4,500 tons of PVC-profiles per month and 3.5 million pieces of windows per annum.
‘Viknaland’ LLC [4] is one of Ukraine’s prominent producers of PVC profiles. It manufactures wide assortment of PVC profiles under the trademark of ‘VIKNALAND’ TM. PVC profiles are made according to European technologies and have 4 and 5 chambers. ‘VIKNALAND’ TM is represented by А70, А58, В70, В58 profile systems. [5] There are 17 profile-making extruders installed at the factory. Production capacity allows to process 72 tons of raw materials per day.
‘Concern Stirol’ PJSC [6] produces plates of expanded polystyrene DSTU Б В.2.7-8-94, expandable polystyrene TU У 24.1-05761614-017:2008, general purpose polystyrene GOST 20282-86, shockproof polystyrene TU У 24.1-05761614-65:2010 and others.
‘DAIVER LTD’ LLC [7] is a producer of ‘KOUTEX’ polymer material for arrangement and repair of seamless bulk floors.
Company ‘Magnetic’ LLC (‘Deco life’ TM) [8] is a prominent Ukrainian producer of plastic panels and profiles for decoration of inner premises and facades. The enterprise has been operating for more than 12 years. It produces PVC panels from 100 millimeters to 6,000 millimeters – long and from 5 millimeters to 8 millimeters – thick.
‘VINISIN’ LTD (‘TARKETT VINISIN’ LTD) [9] is the largest producer of linoleum in Ukraine. Plant’s productivity amounts to 10 million square meters of products per annum. The plant runs a combined line for production of heterogeneous household and commercial linoleum. In April 2011 the plant commenced production of sports PVC coverings.
GK ‘IMPERATIV UKRAINA’ LLC [10] is the largest factory producing glass plastic reinforcement elements and products of composite materials. Wide assortment of reinforcement elements from 4 millimeters to 16 millimeters in diameter is produced here.
‘Zavod Polimerdetal’ LLC (‘SoloPlast’ TM) [11] is a leader in production of plastic sanitary-technical items. It manufactures wide assortment of siphons for washbasins with and without overflows, for kitchen sinks, for baths and shower cabins, ladders, fillers and drain valves for WC tanks, corrugated drains to sewerage etc.
3. High quality of Ukraine-made products
Ukrainian enterprises make their products at professional German and Austrian equipment (‘Urban’, ‘Lisec’, ‘Rapid’ and others), using only high-quality materials supplied by well-known European producers. [12]
The quality management system at Ukrainian factories is set in accordance with the requirements of international ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and IFT ROSENHEIM standards. [13]
All products are certified [14] and comply with Directives and high EU standards. [15]
4. Exported volumes and geography of exports
Ukraine actively exports plastic construction elements. For instance, products by ‘Stiroloptpharmtorg’ LLC [16] are supplied to Moldova and the EU countries, and the products by ‘PIE’ LLC – to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova and Russia. [17] ‘VIKNAR’OFF’ LTD exports to 12 countries of the world, whereas ‘MIROPLAST’ LLC – to 15 countries, namely: Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Georgia, Peru, Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia and South Korea. [18]
According to the results of 2018 Ukraine exported 6.61 thousand tons of plastic coverings for floors, walls, ceilings in rolls and plates for the amount of USD10.76 million. The CIS countries purchased most – 3.28 thousand tons for the amount of USD5.58 million (Russia accounted for 1.98 thousand tons and USD3.73 million). European countries imported 2.01 thousand tons of products for the amount of USD3.10 million (Poland accounted for 1.30 thousand tons and USD1.94 million), Asian countries acquired 1.30 thousand tons for the amount of USD2.05 million (Turkey accounted for 600.53 tons and USD808.8 thousand).
In 2018 Ukraine also sent abroad 3.73 thousand tons of doors, windows and window frames, shutters, and thresholds for the amount of USD8.45 million. European countries purchased most – 3.22 thousand tons for the amount of USD7.16 million (Germany accounted for 1.62 thousand tons and USD3.47 million). Countries of both Americas acquired 192.04 tons for the amount of USD635.0 thousand (the USA accounted for 156.92 tons and USD525.3 thousand), the CIS countries – 216.77 tons for the amount of USD414.2 thousand (Moldova accounted for 151.45 tons and USD339.8 thousand).
Fasteners and accessories for furniture, vehicles were exported in the amount of 452.56 tons and USD2.93 million. European countries purchased most – 115.50 tons for the amount of USD1.46 million (Poland accounted for 65.35 tons and USD822.2 thousand), the CIS countries acquired 312.89 tons for the amount of USD1.24 million (Russia accounted for 201.32 tons and USD610.1 thousand), Asian countries purchased 19.60 tons for the amount of USD169.5 thousand (Georgia accounted for 60.00 tons and USD67.0 thousand).
Other plastic construction elements in 2018 were exported by Ukraine in the amount of 9.90 thousand tons and USD22.44 million. The CIS countries acquired 6.23 thousand tons for the amount of USD12.04 million (Russia accounted for 4.93 thousand tons and USD9.16 million), European countries – purchased 3.09 thousand tons for the amount of USD8.54 million (Poland accounted for 1.42 thousand tons and USD3.37 million), Asian countries purchased 441.00 tons for the amount of USD1.24 million (Georgia accounted for 305.53 tons and USD586.8 thousand).
Sanitary-hygienic products (plastic baths, shower cabins, washbasins etc.) in 2018 were exported by Ukraine in amount of 504.24 tons and USD3.14 million. The CIS countries acquired 260.40 tons for the amount of USD1.02 million (Belarus accounted for 179.51 tons and USD711.4 thousand), the EU countries purchased 238.59 tons for the amount of USD2.06 million (Poland accounted for 196.83 tons and USD1.87 million). [19]
[2] - https://viknaroff.ua/ru/o-nas/
[3] - https://wds.ua/about/
[4] - https://viknaland.ua/zavod-viknaland/
[5] - https://viknaland.ua/pro-kompaniyu/
[6] - http://www.ostchem.com/uk/katalog-produktsii/produktsiya/polimery-i-polimernye-izdeliya
[7] - http://www.koutex.com.ua/
[8] - http://decolife.ua/
[9] - https://www.tarkett.ua/uk_UA/node/virobnictvo-7751
[10] - https://stekloarmatura.com.ua/
[11] - http://www.soloplast.com.ua/ua/
[12] - https://viknaland.ua/zavod-viknaland/
[13] - https://wds.ua/about/
[14] - http://decolife.ua/sertifikaty/
[15] - http://www.koutex.com.ua/about-us/
[16] - http://stiroloptpharmtorg.com.ua/
[17] - https://www.ziminfo.com/o-kompanii.html
[18] - https://wds.ua/about/
[19] - http://sfs.gov.ua/ms/f11