Sticker with reflective effect Dots Dexter`s d6-02 (d6-02)

Sticker with reflective effect Dots Dexter`s d6-02 (d6-02)

SKU : 68519
Verfügbarkeit : 1000 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 0,60€

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Take care of your safety and the safety of loved ones when the streets are poorly lit - you need to buy a flicker that reflects light.

The size of the sticker is 2cm * 8cm. The picture is dots.

The sticker can be stuck on a child's jacket, on a backpack, on a bicycle. There are many options for using a light-reducing sticker.

You can also stick them on your pet's collar.

Flicker - reflects light in the dark. They help to see a pedestrian at night. The light falling on the flicker is reflected in the direction from which it falls. Therefore, even in the case when a person moves, turns relative to the light source, the flicker will always be visible.

* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
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