Women's embroidered T-shirt in black with a wide neck “Tenderness of roses” S

Women's embroidered T-shirt in black with a wide neck “Tenderness of roses” S

Artikelnr. G-58-S
SKU : 1592693963
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  • 11,99€

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A fashionable women's embroidered short-sleeve T-shirt with luxurious roses is suitable for both a young girl and a mature woman. It will be relevant for ordinary looks and for more festive options. The flower arrangement is made using machine embroidery technique. Bright red roses intertwined with green shoots and leaves look very impressive on black fabric. This embroidery is based on viscose and elastane. This combination allows you to be comfortable and advantageously emphasize all the advantageous aspects of your figure. The fabric is dense and light at the same time. Even after machine washing it retains its shape.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
?rmelform Короткий
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Вышивка
Boden Женский
Farbe Черный
Gr??e S
Internationale Gr??e S
Muster und Drucke Вышитые узоры
Produkttyp Футболка
Saison Лето
Stickerei Гладью|Машинная
Stofftyp Вискоза
Zusammensetzung 95% вискоза, 5% еластан
Zustand Новое

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