Embroidered women's T-shirt with short sleeves in ethno style “Ukrainian colors” XL

Embroidered women's T-shirt with short sleeves in ethno style “Ukrainian colors” XL

Artikelnr. G-15-XL
SKU : 1592695197
Verfügbarkeit Nicht verfügbar
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  • 11,99€

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The perfect embroidered T-shirt with short sleeves “Ukrainian colors” is the dream of every Ukrainian woman. This model is represented by a high-quality item from our brand of embroidered shirts. This women's embroidered shirt is based on black fabric, which contains viscose and elastane. The embroidery is soft, fits perfectly to the body and does not create any discomfort. It is worth noting that this embroidery perfectly allows air to pass through, which is why it is so necessary in the summer season. The embroidered ornament is made using machine embroidery techniques. Favorite floral motifs look great on black fabric.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
?rmelform Короткий
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Вышивка
Boden Женский
Farbe Черный
Gr??e XL
Internationale Gr??e S
Muster und Drucke Вышитые узоры
Produkttyp Футболка
Saison Лето
Stickerei Гладью|Машинная
Stofftyp Вискоза
Zusammensetzung 95% вискоза, 5% еластан
Zustand Новое

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