Anti-mosquito net mask

Anti-mosquito net mask

VerkäuferARMY KIDS
Artikelnr. 17-906
SKU : 167985629
Verfügbarkeit : 100 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 110.00₴

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An anti-mosquito net mask will become an integral part of your equipment during fishing or outdoor recreation. Made of fabric, which is a mesh with a very fine mesh, which will reliably protect you from the bites of mosquitoes, midges and other small insects. You can put it on a headdress or just on the child’s head. It is equipped with a lower tie with a lock that will not allow insects to get to the child’s face. Very convenient and comfortable. An anti-mosquito net-mask made of polyester is ideal protection against annoying insects. While fishing, hunting or just on vacation with your family, insects, and even more so mosquitoes, can become a real problem for you. As soon as the sun begins to set and it gets dark, mosquitoes begin to wake up and bite. The use of aerosols is not appropriate in natural conditions, and especially if you went into the forest to improve your health and the health of your family. Therefore, a good solution in this situation would be an anti-mosquito net mask. The mask will help you and your CHILDREN enjoy the evening in the forest near the fire and will help you forget about the mosquitoes that have been bothering you. The fabric is a synthetic fabric consisting of polyester material with a water-repellent coating applied. The rapid removal of fumes from the surface of the body to the outside of the fabric will ensure comfort in natural conditions. ARMY KIDS wishes you and your CHILDREN a pleasant holiday!!!
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