Body scrub for all skin types "SOLEN Happy Things"

Body scrub for all skin types "SOLEN Happy Things"

Artikelnr. 64544
SKU : SC02-250
Verfügbarkeit : 10 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 355,54₴

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Eine Produktanfrage kann über das Formular "Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer" gestellt werden

- gently cleanses the skin from impurities and keratinized particles

- improves blood circulation and refreshes skin color

- natural components eliminate microtrauma of the skin during the cleaning process, activate cell regeneration, refresh, soften and smooth the skin texture, as well as soften the skin of the body, energize and make it healthy.

The natural components of the Solen scrub act on the skin, create a feeling of comfort, give the skin smoothness and silkiness, moisturize and retain protective properties.

After using the scrub, the skin looks  fresh, healthy and well-groomed, becomes soft and delicate.

Directions: Apply the scrub with massage movements on the moist skin of the body. Rinse with warm water.

Use 1-3 times a week

Ingredients: Dead Sea salt, coconut oil, perfume

* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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