Hard balm for hands Orange & cinnamon 25 g

Hard balm for hands Orange & cinnamon 25 g

Artikelnr. Бальзам твердий для рук Апельсин & кориця 25 г
SKU : 69875
Verfügbarkeit : Stehen zur Verfügung Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 320.00₴

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☘️ Hard balm for hands Orange & cinnamon from Sue™ ✔️ get maximum benefits ⌚ delivery throughout Ukraine

Storage conditions: Store at a temperature from +5 C to +20 C and a relative humidity of 55% to 70%, avoiding direct sunlight. Do not use after the expiration date. Do not store near heating objects. We recommend using a dry spatula to collect the balm from the jar. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product in compliance with the terms and conditions of storage.

Recommended shelf life: 12 months (6 months after opening)

* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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