інтелектуальний тренажер  Thinkers 12+

інтелектуальний тренажер Thinkers 12+

VerkäuferFinArt Smart Solution
Artikelnr. Настільні ігри для дітей від 12 років та дорослих
SKU : 122101
Verfügbarkeit : 100 Lead time : 30 days Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 13,34€

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You don’t have to know. Just think!Thinkers develops players’ problem solving skills, intellect and innovative leadership. It  consists of an array of entertaining tasks, the solutions to which require flexible

and unconventional thinking but no prior knowledge.


Thinkers’ challenges are created to train different types of reasoning and are divided into

six categories: Composition, Algorithm, Reasoning, Logic, Imagination and Pattern.

This way,  different parts of the brain are actively involved in the game and are developing, whether you play alone or in a team. Thinkers rises in  levels

of complexity (from 1 to 5) giving you  the possibility to advance your skills gradually. ‘Thinking outside the box’ with Thinkers  will single you out of the crowd and help you think innovatively, generate

unique ideas and succeed in your career and business.


The given problems are presented in a simple way, allowing you to spend time with your children and help develop them creatively

and intellectually, or to  organize a fun corporate evening party and  have a good

time with friends. Thinkers are your indispensable traveling companion. Play at home,

on holiday, in a car, train, ship or plane!

* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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