Set for painting wooden Easter eggs "A rolling Easter egg. Kyiv Region"

Set for painting wooden Easter eggs "A rolling Easter egg. Kyiv Region"

VerkäuferZrobyv Tato
Marke:Zrobyv Tato
Artikelnr. SP250003
SKU : SP250003
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Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 456,00₴

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The set for painting wooden Easter eggs from the Lviv workshop Zrobyv Tato is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in traditional Ukrainian art and create unique holiday decorations with your own hands. It is suitable for children and adults, giving inspiration and creative relaxation.

The set includes:
- 3 wooden blanks with carved traditional ornaments, tassels and beads
- Set of acrylic paints
- Brush for convenient painting
- Satin ribbons for decoration
- Instructions with an explanation of the symbolism of the patterns

By painting Easter eggs, you will not only create a unique Easter decor, but also touch ancient traditions. The finished works can be used as decorations, gifts or family heirlooms.

Only environmentally friendly materials and technologies are used in the manufacturing process

Zrobyv Tato

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