

VerkäuferЛізоформ Медікал
Marke:Виробник: ТОВ "Бланідас", Україна
Artikelnr. Віпасепт
SKU : Віпасепт
Verfügbarkeit : 999 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 208.35₴

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(Mindestbestellmenge 10 Stück)

Disinfectant for hygienic and surgical treatment of hands and skin, for rapid disinfection of small surfaces, medical devices, including non-critical instruments, gloves and other small objects.

Ingredients: ethanol 80%, lactic acid

Versatility of use.

It has bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal action.

Has a prolonged effect for 3 hours (including under medical gloves).

Does not cause skin irritations and allergic reactions.

Contains a system of protection and softening of the skin.

Provides degreasing cleansing of the skin, promotes effective adhesion of the surgical film.


Rapid hygienic and surgical antiseptics of hands in all branches of medicine, house conditions, branches of communal services, etc. Antiseptic treatment of the patient's skin, treatment of the surgical, injection field during invasive medical interventions). For quick disinfection of small surfaces, medical devices, including non-critical instruments, gloves and other small objects in emergency (urgent) situations.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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