Hand's Night cream "NEW HANDS" with aloe vera 50 ml TM "YAKA"

Hand's Night cream "NEW HANDS" with aloe vera 50 ml TM "YAKA"

VerkäuferТОВ РЕМОС
Artikelnr. natural cosmetic
SKU : 29516101
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Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 1,40€

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“Evening” or “night” hand cream has has the function of nourishing the skin of the hands. If during the day it is better not to use oily creams, because it can cause a lot of inconvenience, then before bed, it is necessary to apply the nourishing hand cream. Fatty oils, vitamins and other nutritional components will work throughout the night to keep your hands looking perfect in the morning. Application: Apply enough cream to cleanly washed skin of hands. Distribute smooth massage movements from the nails up to the wrist. Carefully blot excess cream with a paper towel.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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