Sketch Book "Keep Calm and Make Some Art"

Sketch Book "Keep Calm and Make Some Art"

VerkäuferZrobyv Tato
Marke:Zrobyv Tato
Artikelnr. ZP0009
SKU : ZP0009
Verfügbarkeit : Stehen zur Verfügung Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 7.06€

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"Keep Calm and Make Some Art"

The album "Keep Calm and Make Some Art" from the Lviv workshop Zrobyv Tato is an original hand-made sketch book, specially created for creative people who will take the opportunity to paint under any conditions. This album will be a great gift for your friend, employee or child with creative inclinations.

The album "Keep Calm and Make Some Art" from the Lviv workshop Zrobyv Tato is made of environmentally friendly materials. The fiberboard cover, decorated with a carving inscription, will never be remembered. The album fastened by a metal spring will easily unfold on any page, in it it is convenient to draw even "on a knee". Sheets (A4 format) made of thick, (160 g / m2) pleasant to the touch cream-colored paper, convenient for sketches and sketches. The paper block has 30 sheets.

Only ecological materials and technologies are used in the manufacturing process.

Zrobyv Tato!

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