Set for creativity "In Search of Christmas"

Set for creativity "In Search of Christmas"

VerkäuferZrobyv Tato
Marke:Zrobyv Tato
Artikelnr. TOY00020023
SKU : TOY00020023
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  • 8,58€

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Set for creativity "In Search of Christmas"
The set for creativity "In search of Christmas" is an original set of handmade New Year's decorations-coloring, specially created for the creative leisure of children and adults. This set would also make a good gift for St. Nicholas Day, New Year or Christmas.

The set of Christmas coloring toys "Looking for Christmas" is a great opportunity to show creativity with children in a cozy family atmosphere while waiting for Christmas and New Year entertainment. You can fantasize and paint these cute wooden toys in your own unique style. In addition, handmade decor will add originality and cheerful notes to your Christmas tree (or your interior).

The set includes 4 wooden bases for toys, white overlays - 4 pcs., beads - 4 pcs., rope, glue, paint, stack, brush.
Only environmentally friendly materials and technologies are used in the production process.

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