Blanket with a toy for a child - gray plush

Blanket with a toy for a child - gray plush

Marke:Matusya Shop
Artikelnr. Плед с игрушкой для ребенка - Серый плюш
SKU : 1348890679
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Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 6,12€

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Blanket for a baby (newborn)

Blanket for a baby is a double-sided textile product with sides 85x85 cm. One the side is made of 100% high quality eco cotton, the second is made of soft plush with small bumps. The blanket is quilted, which prevents its delamination and reshaping.

The materials of the blanket are completely safe for delicate baby skin. A small stuffed toy is included with the blanket.

The size of the blanket is suitable for sheltering babies aged 0-6 months.

The baby can be covered with a blanket, laid out on the tummy, and placed when the time comes, or roll it up and use it to put it under the back of a child sleeping on its side or for other purposes. The fabric of the blanket is very soft and gently hugs the baby's body, giving him a feeling of comfort and security.

Two different sides of the blanket also further develop the tactile sensitivity of the baby's fingers and improve fine motor skills. The child gets acquainted with different sensations and gladly strokes the fabric with his fingers, lingering on the plush pimples and studying the changes in the relief, which stimulates his mental activity.

The blanket is easy to wash, it dries quickly and retains its initial appearance.

* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
Breite 80
Das Hauptmaterial des Kissenbezugs Бязь
F?ller Холлофайбер
Farbe Серый
Form Полумесяц
Gewicht 800
Kantenschutz False
Kissenbezugverschluss потайная молния
Maschinenw?sche True
Verwendungszweck Для беременных и кормления ребенка

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