Stylish women's tracksuit with "Milan" embroidery, beige color S

Stylish women's tracksuit with "Milan" embroidery, beige color S

Artikelnr. SP01-S
SKU : 1538739552
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  • 26,22€

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A stylish women's sports suit with "Milan" embroidery in cappuccino color is the pearl of our production, into the creation of which our designers put their souls. The model is made in a light color that girls will definitely like. The women's tracksuit is made from trinit fabric and is therefore ideal for wearing in the cold season. You can be sure that you will always be warm in it. Jogger pants and a hooded sweatshirt look modern and practical. Well, the black thin minimalist embroidery on the sleeves beautifully complements the suit and demonstrates its Ukrainian roots. Fabric: Trinitka Fabric composition: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Вышивка
Boden Женский
Farbe Бежевый
Hose Штаны
Internationale Gr??e S
Kapuze Вшитый
Oberteil Худи
Saison Весна/Осень
Stofftyp Трехнитка
W?hlen Sie eine Gr??e S
Zustand Новое

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