Traditional men's embroidered T-shirt in beige color "Trident" L

Traditional men's embroidered T-shirt in beige color "Trident" L

Artikelnr. M-44-L
SKU : 1930978746
Verfügbarkeit : 1000 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 836,00₴

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Beige T-shirt with Trident embroidery is a model that will surprise you with its color. You will think that it can be in beige color, but the answer is simple, it is such a unique beige color that you will remember it forever and this color is visible from afar. Against the background of this color there is an elegant black ornament. The quality of the T-shirt is confirmed by high-quality cotton, which will retain its color even after repeated washing. The size chart will help you choose the right size. "MELANIKA" - Authentic Ukrainian Clothes.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
?rmell?nge Короткий
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Вышивка
Farbe Бежевый
Internationale Gr??e L
Modell Футболка
Produkttyp Футболка
Saison Лето
Stickerei Крестиком|Машинная
Stofftyp Хлопок
Zusammensetzung 95% хлопок , 5 % еластан
Zustand Новое

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