Presa Rivne - Media
Presa Rivne is a regional edition, a Rivne news portal online today, where you can find out relevant and interesting information about the news of the city of Rivne, the Rivne region, Ukraine, and the world.
Who are we?
Three journalists, headed by an editor, work in the Presa Rivne team. Each of them is responsible for directions and topics that are regularly covered on the website and in social networks.
Our standards
A team of professional journalists works to ensure that our readers receive quality information from verified sources. We adhere to the main standards of journalism:
Balance of opinions - coverage of all points of view of the situation of the topic, which is considered in the material. The possibility of expression of all participants of the article.
Credibility - readers of Press Rivne receive only verified information from official or own sources, which is confirmed by a number of facts.
Responsiveness - delivering relevant news to readers, but without compromising other standards.
Social importance - every topic, situation is worth being heard and disclosed. Citizens of the city of Rivne and the region face injustice, the task of journalists is to expose it and report it to the relevant authorities for quick response.

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