Embroidered T-shirt for boy with short sleeves Dem'yanchik (red embroidery) 110

Embroidered T-shirt for boy with short sleeves Dem'yanchik (red embroidery) 110

Artikelnr. D-34-110
SKU : 1528919228
Verfügbarkeit : 1000 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 572,00₴

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Stylish embroidered T-shirt for little guys. This amazing embroidered shirt with short sleeves is decorated with exquisite patterns in a patriotic style. The color of the ornament plays an important role in an embroidered T-shirt. Red embroidery is a symbol of fire, light, love. The model is complemented by bright kutashikami and a stand-up collar. Made from natural material, this embroidery is practical - it does not deform or fade after washing, and also sits pleasantly on your baby’s body. Don't miss the opportunity to purchase a wonderful embroidered shirt for your beloved child in the Melanika online store!
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Stickerei
Boden F?r Jungen
Farbe Wei?
Gr??e 1/10
Produkttyp T -Shirt
Saison Sommer
Stofftyp Baumwolle
Zusammensetzung 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elastan
Zustand Neu

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