Plastic container KPA-10

Plastic container KPA-10

SellerПрАТ "УХЛ-МАШ"
Product Code: 63505-0330
SKU : 3244
Product available in stock : 1000 Contact with the seller
  • 0,60€

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If there is no product in stock, the product will be delivered from 30 to 60 k.d. The KPA-10 plastic container from UHL-MASH is a budget-friendly way to organize the storage of hardware so that the work area is tidy. Storing hardware and small parts allows you to avoid confusion and keep the necessary equipment “at hand.” Where are plastic containers used? The KPA-10 series of containers ergonomically complements warehouse furniture. Compact boxes are conveniently located on the shelves of racks and cabinets, or on the countertops of workbenches. The worker can place containers with hardware in a row or stack them, which will ensure order and increase labor productivity. The design of the KPA-10 container includes: a cell with durable side panels and a flat bottom; the open front wall makes it easy to view the contents; availability of space for a sticker to identify hardware; four stiffening ribs increase the reliability of the container. The use of modern polypropylene allows us to achieve high performance properties. The material can withstand moderate loads and falls from low heights. To purchase inexpensive and durable plastic containers KPA-10, leave a request on the UHL-MASH website. Request a call back from a specialist to find out the details of this model of plastic container.
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
Brand 1563|1559|1557
Depth (mm) 165
Height (mm) 76
Item type 1740
Manufacturer 2134
Manufacturer 2134
Material Полипропилен
Material Поліпропілен
Model KPA-10
Product color Синий
Volume, l 1
Weight, kg 0.6
Width (mm) 103
Вага, кг 0.6
Висота (мм) 76
Внутрішні розміри В×Ш×Г, мм 75×83×150
Внутренние размеры В×Ш×Г, мм 75×83×150
Глибина (мм) 165
Кількість виборців 10
Количество проголосовавших 10
Навантаження в штабелі, кг 8
Навантаження на ящик (кг) 2
Нагрузка в штабеле, кг 8
Нагрузка на ящик, кг 2
Об'єм, л 1
Поміщається в картонний ящик, шт 50
Помещается в картонный ящик, шт 50
Рейтинг 5
Сума оцінок 50
Сумма оценок 50
Температура експлуатаціїї, °С -20+60°С
Температура эксплуатации, °С -20+60°С
Тип товару 1740

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