White women's embroidered T-shirt with long sleeves in Ukrainian style “Poppy Field” 3XL

White women's embroidered T-shirt with long sleeves in Ukrainian style “Poppy Field” 3XL

Artikelnr. A-15-3XL
SKU : 1527325625
Verfügbarkeit Nicht verfügbar
Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 19,48€

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What to do when an embroidered shirt or blouse looks too festive and pompous and you can’t wear such clothes every day? An embroidered long-sleeve T-shirt in white “Poppy Field” is the ideal solution, because this option can be considered more ordinary, but still the embroidery gives a special mood to its owner, and the highlight of your look, in addition to the embroidered neckline, will be the luxurious embroidered sleeves that cut into memory and will raise hundreds of questions about where you can buy the same embroidered shirt. The T-shirt is made from elastane and viscose, which ensure high-quality wear and do not cause problems with frequent washing. The white color of an embroidered T-shirt will add a festive touch to your look and give you a good mood even on the gloomiest day.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
?rmelform Lang
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Stickerei
Boden Damen
Farbe Wei?
Gr??e 3XL
Muster und Drucke Stickmuster
Produkttyp T-Shirt
Saison Весна/Осень
Stickerei Satin Stich
Stofftyp Viskose
Zusammensetzung 95 % Viskose, 5 % Elasthan
Zustand Neu

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