Plastic box Y-93

Plastic box Y-93

SellerПрАТ "УХЛ-МАШ"
Product Code: 63505-0034
SKU : 2970
Product available in stock : 1000 Contact with the seller
  • 132.00₴

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If there is no product in stock, the product will be delivered from 30 to 60 k.d. In factories, workshops and service stations, there is often a need to store hardware. It is important to place small parts in one place. At the same time, access to them should be simple and fast. For this, it is recommended to use a plastic box Y-93. The box is an organizer with transparent compartments. This makes content easy to view and the slide-out design makes it easy to use. Let's look at the features of the product. Basic parameters of containers Modular boxes allow you to effectively use space without taking up extra space. There is a dovetail on the side walls. It acts as a connecting element, which is necessary to fasten the boxes together. The internal cells are transparent. Advantages of hardware organizers: an easy way to increase usable space; box capacity up to 20 boxes; lightness and stability of the structure; a simple overview of the contents of the box. The surface of the box can withstand temperatures from -20 to +60 °C and moderate mechanical stress. Polypropylene does not react with aggressive substances and does not oxidize when wet. Model Y-93 can withstand contact with hot water (no more than 90 °C), and does not lose its initial properties during intensive use. We offer plastic boxes Y-93 at an affordable price on the UHL-MASH website.
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
Brand 1563|1559|1557
Case material Полипропилен
Depth (mm) 155
Height (mm) 111
Length (mm) 160
Manufacturer 2134
Manufacturer 2134
Model Y-93
Number of cells (pcs.) 3
Volume, l 1.23
Weight, kg 0.26
Width (mm) 95
Акционное предложение 2302
Вага, кг 0.26
Висота (мм) 111
Внутрішні розміри висувного прозорого ящика В×Ш×Г, мм 34×81×152
Внутренние размеры выдвижного ящика В×Ш×Г, мм 34×81×152
Глибина (мм) 155
Кількість виборців 11
Кількість чарунок (шт.) 3
Количество проголосовавших 11
Матеріал висувних прозорих ящиків Полістирол
Матеріал корпусу Поліпропілен
Материал выдвижных ящиков Полистирол
Об'єм, л 1.23
Поміщається в картонний ящик, шт 20
Помещается в картонный ящик, шт 20
Рейтинг 4.01
Сума оцінок 53
Сумма оценок 53
Температура експлуатаціїї, °С -20+60°С
Температура эксплуатации, °С -20+60°С

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