Anti-Age Cream SPF 20 Intensive anti-aging cream Tester

Anti-Age Cream SPF 20 Intensive anti-aging cream Tester

SellerPiel cosmetics
Brand:Piel Cosmetics
Product Code: Anti-Age Cream SPF 20 Интенсивный омолаживающий крем Тестер
SKU : 643
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  • 94.60₴

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ANTIAGE SPF20 cream is truly a vitamin cocktail of youth, as it contains 6 types of vitamins B, E and A. The product provides complete care for aging skin of any age, supplying it with the most necessary components. Active components intensively moisturize, even out complexion, fight age-related changes in the skin and restore its natural radiance. Aging skin, in addition to wrinkles and changes in facial contour, is also characterized by other manifestations. It loses its feeling of comfort, becomes drier, the texture looks uneven, the pores expand, and irritation occurs more often. The skin becomes thinner and the vascular network appears. Protective mechanisms no longer fully cope with their task, and the skin is more exposed to external negative factors. The reason is that over the years the skin ceases to produce all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities. Blood circulation is disrupted, and as a result, cell nutrition is disrupted. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes dull, and pigment spots appear on it. During this period, it is very important to choose the right care, one that would provide a comprehensive effect and improve the overall condition of the skin, give it the necessary nutrition and promote active regeneration. Such skin also requires additional protection. Provides a cumulative effect, promotes active regeneration and restoration of mature skin, returns it to its former freshness, uniform texture and color, and youthful shine. Stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, increases elasticity, and helps reduce excessive sensitivity. The UV filters included in the composition protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Result: the skin feels comfortable again, looks healthy and fresh, acquires a healthy color and even tone. Wrinkles and capillary networks become less noticeable, redness disappears. Professional packaging 300ml
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