Archival stationery cabinet ShMB-11 pack

Archival stationery cabinet ShMB-11 pack

SellerПрАТ "УХЛ-МАШ"
Product Code: 26765
SKU : 2957
Product available in stock : 1000 Contact with the seller
  • 4.227,30₴

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Cabinets are supplied disassembled Archival cabinets ShMB-11 are designed for storing documents and office equipment. They are used in the daily work of staff, facilitating the storage of property. The cabinets have optimal dimensions. With a height of 900 mm, they can be installed on top of office furniture. This approach saves space and also expands the capacity of the cabinets. We offer archival office cabinets ShMB-11 pack. Let's take a closer look at the features of the products. Detailed Review and Features Office space must be used efficiently, so choosing the right furniture is important. Cabinets model ShMB-11 are equipped with two shelves. This allows you to zone the space to accommodate more property. The position of the shelves can be adjusted, which will help with perforation of the guides. Inside the cabinets it is convenient to store stacks of papers, folders with documents, stationery and office equipment. The contents must be safe, so the cabinet is equipped with metal doors. They are locked with a mechanical lock with a reliable bolt mechanism. This will limit unwanted access and reduce the risk of paper theft. Stationery cabinets are made of metal. The manufacturer uses sheet steel, which has high performance properties. The material is resistant to moderate loads. It does not wear out for a long time with daily use. Surfaces are pre-treated and powder coated. This technology protects the material from corrosion, so high humidity does not harm the cabinets. The light gray product looks great in the interior. It can be changed if necessary, but this possibility should be discussed with the manager. Contact a company representative to learn more about the product. Order archival office cabinets ShMB-11 on the UHL-MASH website or use the “one-click” purchase. We offer reliable furniture from the manufacturer. Cabinet ShMB-11 unitary enterprise (place No. 1) Total weight 18.0 1825 x 440 x 92 cardboard box
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
Brand 1563|1559|1557
Depth (mm) 390
Height (mm) 900
Item type 1740
Manufacturer 2129
Manufacturer 2129
Model ЭША-1
Number of shelves (pcs.) 1714
Product color 1582
Width (mm) 800
Вид товара при отгрузке 2163
Вид товару при відвантаженні 2163
Висота (мм) 900
Глибина (мм) 390
Кількість виборців 10
Кількість місць в розібраному вигляді 1
Кількість полиць (шт.) 1714
Колір виробу 1582
Количество мест в разобранном виде 1
Количество проголосовавших 10
Распределенная нагрузка на полку, кг 45
Рейтинг 5
Розподілене навантаження на поличку, кг 45
Сума оцінок 50
Сумма оценок 50
Тип товару 1740
Хіт продажу 1610

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