Ashtray “Pyramid”

Ashtray “Pyramid”

SellerПрАТ "УХЛ-МАШ"
Product Code: 56000-0002
SKU : 2856
Product available in stock : 1000 Contact with the seller
  • 379.50₴

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An ashtray is an essential attribute of a smoker, which helps to dispose of ashes and cigarette butts. It is customary to install it in designated smoking areas, on visitors’ tables, open terraces and near bar counters. This makes ashtrays an important part of the interior, so they should have a modern, expressive design. We offer “Pyramid” ashtrays produced by UHL-MASH. They are made of high-quality stainless steel and complement the interior of the establishment. Main differences and strengths of the model The main task of ashtrays is to collect ashes and remnants of smoldering cigarettes. They can unite a group of people, so it is not for nothing that they are installed in the middle of the table. For this reason, the appearance of ashtrays is important. Today there are many design options available to choose a product for an office smoking room, restaurant, bar and other establishments. The Pyramid ashtray has an unusual shape that is convenient to use by several people at once. It is equipped with recesses to conveniently remove the ash from the cigarette. Closed pyramid-shaped walls protect the contents from the wind, so cigarette butts will not be blown around the area. The upper part is open, so no additional steps are required to use the ashtray. In any good establishment, an ashtray is part of the table setting. It must be practical, because it is used for a long time. This is why stainless steel ashtrays are chosen. They are not subject to corrosion, and temperature changes do not harm the product at all. This makes it possible to place ashtrays indoors or outdoors. You can get acquainted with the product in more detail by contacting the company manager. We offer to order Pyramid ashtrays for convenient disposal of cigarettes.
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
Brand 1563|1559|1557
Depth (mm) 100
Height (mm) 25
Item type 1740
Material Нержавеющая сталь
Material Нержавіюча сталь
Model Пирамида
Use 1737
Width (mm) 100
Акционное предложение 2302
Висота (мм) 25
Глибина (мм) 100
Застосування 1737
Кількість виборців 11
Количество проголосовавших 11
Наличие пепельницы 2168
Наявність попільнички 2168
Рейтинг 4.11
Сума оцінок 55
Сумма оценок 55
Тип товару 1740

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