Debrik Malena White, Blue 977 62 cm (d977-3zr-gb) shirt jumper cap set

Debrik Malena White, Blue 977 62 cm (d977-3zr-gb) shirt jumper cap set

Product Code:
SKU : 12441350
Availability: Out of stock
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  • 269.50₴

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Each list in the maternity hospital contains such items as rompers, shirts and hats.

The best option is to pick up these items in sets, as they will be complete costumes.

The set includes three items with external seams: a shirt, a hat, jumpers. The sleeves on the shirt are closed (it is possible to open them).

Fabric - interlock, 100% cotton.


Paper length Half girth of sleeve Sleeve Length of sliders Half girth of sliders Stepped
56 24 18 24 32 16 16
62 25 20 27 35 17 18
Article d977-3zr-gb
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
Gender of the child для мальчика
Material інтерлок
Season весна
Size 62
Базовий колір білий;u2rqrf0q
Вік дитини від 1 місяця
Колір виробника білий;u2rqrf0q
Мінімальна кратність товару 1
Міра виміру шт.
Состав ткани 100% бавовна

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