Garden bench "Lada"

Garden bench "Lada"

SellerПрАТ "УХЛ-МАШ"
Product Code: 65500-0006
SKU : 2230
Product available in stock : 1000 Contact with the seller
  • 101.14€

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A park bench is a practical device that provides additional comfort in public places. They create convenience for visitors to train stations and airports, and are installed near entrances and summer cottages. Benches will come in handy when there is a need to relax, sit down, read a book in the fresh air, or pass the time before a meeting. The designs are most useful for older people, as well as parents with small children. The UHL-MASH company has 20 years of experience as a successful manufacturer of metal furniture. Over the years, the company has established itself in the furniture market as a reliable partner. Today we want to present to our customers park benches, the quality of which will not disappoint. The furniture supports are a strong rectangular metal pipe 60x40 mm, the wall thickness is 5 mm. They are coated with harmless polymer powder paint. The seat of the bench is made of two wooden boards. The wood has undergone the necessary processing, then carefully coated with a layer of varnish. The length of the bench is 1500 mm, width – 320, seat height 465. Neat outdoor furniture can create a cozy atmosphere, improving the area. The absence, insufficient number of benches, or untidy appearance can ruin the impression of even the most beautiful park. What you should pay attention to It is worth considering that they are in the open air, thereby regularly exposed to adverse environmental influences. High air humidity, heat and cold, mechanical damage and sometimes, unfortunately, even acts of vandalism - all this affects the material every day. Wear resistance is an additional advantage of metal products from UHL-MASH. The metal supports of the bench are designed to withstand regular loads and will not fail at a critical moment. Powder paint is known as a coating that does not crack even despite temperature changes. Varnish protects wood from moisture and mechanical damage. Thanks to this, the Lada park bench can be used for decades without losing its visual appeal.
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
Height (mm) 465
Item type 1740
Length (mm) 1500
Model Лада
Weight, kg 14
Width (mm) 320
Вага, кг 14
Висота (мм) 465
Довжина (мм) 1500
Кількість виборців 11
Количество проголосовавших 11
Рейтинг 3.2
Сума оцінок 36
Сумма оценок 36
Тип товару 1740
Хіт продажу 1610
Хит продаж 1610

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