Lucent Serum Men's serum for restoring skin freshness Tester

Lucent Serum Men's serum for restoring skin freshness Tester

SellerPiel cosmetics
Brand:Piel Cosmetics
Product Code: Lucent Serum Мужская сыворотка для восстановления свежести кожи Тестер
SKU : 1605
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  • 81.40₴

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Has your skin become dull and unhealthy looking? Stress and overwork are affecting her condition more and more; have blood vessels begun to appear? The serum removes signs of overwork and fatigue, eliminates dullness, evens out color, and gives the face a more youthful appearance. A sluggish, tired appearance, bags under the eyes, sallow skin... Many men happen to find such a reflection in the mirror on some bad morning. This, to put it mildly, is not encouraging, and certainly does not give confidence. The cause of tired and stale skin can be not only age-related changes: this is how the lack of proper rest and sleep, stress, poor nutrition, ecology, bad habits “come out sideways”... Usually these factors largely coincide and act in a complex manner. If you can still overcome drowsiness and lack of energy in the morning with the help of an invigorating cup of coffee, then this trick will not work on your skin. In addition to natural measures designed to ensure health and relaxation, she will need additional care to restore freshness and vitality. Such care requires a well-chosen complex of active ingredients, consistency and regularity. It is for this purpose that the Lucent Men's Serum to restore the freshness of facial skin was created. Its very name Lucent means “brilliant, shining.” Result: fresh and radiant facial skin, healthy color, even tone, absence of bags and dark circles under the eyes. improved tone, light lifting effect. Feeling cheerful and fresh.
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.

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