Murmuring Subtraction

Murmuring Subtraction

SellerMalvy Games
Brand:Malvy Games
Product Code:
SKU : 4820253360081
Availability: In stock
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  • 7,74€

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The game Murmuring Subtraction is best suited to teach the composition of numbers 1 to 10, learn to subtract quickly and get to know even and odd numbers.

Complete set of the game:  
There are 63 cards in the box: 45 cards with baskets and balls (expressions) and 18 cards with seals (with a number that is the difference of the expression). On the cards with the baskets, there are all the expressions that are needed to learn subtraction within 1-10, on the cards with the cats you can find all necessary expressions for the numbers from 1 to 9. 
Instructions in Ukrainian, where you will find two options for the games with cats and balls: the game of the same name Murmuring Subtraction and the game Catch the Shustrik.

Age of players: from 5 years. 
The number of players: 2-4 players.

How to play:

In the game Murmuring Subtraction, the kitties look for their baskets and take out extra balls they are left with. They are looking for cards with baskets, where the difference in expression is equal to the number near the cat. The player who has the most cards wins the game.

In the game Catch Shustrik, players discard cards in pairs and the one who remains with Shustryk, wins.

The size of the cards is 100x50mm. Such cards are convenient for small children's hands.

The box is small, only for cards and instructions. In addition, it is solid and stable - you can take it with you on a walk or a trip.

* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.

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