Orthodox silver bracelet "Holy Men" 076 Onyx 21

Orthodox silver bracelet "Holy Men" 076 Onyx 21

SellerOniks Jewelry
Product Code: Православный серебряный браслет "Святые Мужи" 076 Онікс 21
SKU : 365815
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  • 25311.00₴

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Orthodox silver bracelet "Holy Men"  Metal: 925" silver Insert: no Average weight: 56.8 g Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine the Great - Roman Emperor, son of Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen. He turned a fragmented power into one of the most powerful empires in the world and made Christianity the main religion in the state. Everyone who needs material well-being, who has problems in business, prays to Saint Constantine, and he is also the patron saint of leaders and politicians. Holy Martyr Nikita (Besogon) is an early Christian martyr who was tortured for becoming a Christian. He was imprisoned by his father for 3 years, where a demon appeared to him in the guise of an angel. But Nikita, having prayed, grabbed the demon by the hair, stepped on his neck and beat him with his chains. They ask the saint for help  in the fight against all evil spirits, as well  about spiritual healing. Holy Righteous Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy is the great defender of the Russian land, nicknamed Donskoy for his victory on the Kulikovo Field. Patron of all Christians who dedicated their lives to serving their homeland and people. They pray to him for deliverance from troubles, illnesses and sorrows. Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky is a famous commander and defender of Rus'. He patronizes all defenders of the Fatherland and is an example of wise Christian government. Blessed Alexey, man of God - they pray to him for the gift of humility, patience and strength in trials. St. Sergius of Radonezh is a great saint, founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He is revered as an assistant in study and work. St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called is one of the first followers of Christ. He is revered as the patron saint of the Russian fleet and sailors. St. Seraphim of Vyritsky - became famous for many miracles and prophecies. They pray to him for physical health, strengthening faith, success in business and work. Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is a healer and miracle worker. They pray to him for health, family happiness, help in trade and solving housing problems. The great martyr healer Panteleimon had from God the gift of healing various ailments and resurrecting the dead. An ambulance in the treatment of various diseases. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir is the baptist of Rus'. He is revered as the patron saint of Russia, assistant to leaders and rulers. Holy Righteous Prince Boris. They pray to him for the reconciliation of warring parties, for help in instilling in children respect for elders. Martyr Victor – helps soldiers and everyone waging spiritual warfare. Martyr Eugene of Sevastia - they pray to him for steadfastness in the performance of duty. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. They pray to him as a quick helper in all everyday troubles, as the patron saint of travelers and seafarers.Great Martyr George the Victorious is the patron saint of the military.
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
article 076
Country of manufacture Україна
Insert Без каменів
Size 21
Вага, г 56.8
Вид прикраси Браслети
Країна Україна
Метал Все срібло , Срібло 925"
Покриття Чорніння

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