Scrub for hands "NEW HANDS" with powder of pearls 50 ml of TM "YAKA"

Scrub for hands "NEW HANDS" with powder of pearls 50 ml of TM "YAKA"

VerkäuferТОВ РЕМОС
Artikelnr. natural cosmetic
SKU : 29516102
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  • 1.57€

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Quite often the hands or some areas of the hands have rough skin and intensive use of moisturizers does not help. The thing is, the top layer of rough skin are dead cells, which are simply not affected by moisturizing and softening components. Getting rid of this layer of dead cells will help a hand scrub. Application: Use 2-3 times a week. Wash hands, wipe, but not dry, skin should be slightly moist, apply scrub on hands and massage with gentle movements for two to three minutes.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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