Wheel A-A02-160 does not swivel on the platform (black rubber)

Wheel A-A02-160 does not swivel on the platform (black rubber)

SellerПрАТ "УХЛ-МАШ"
Product Code: 40335-202-0167
SKU : 3381
Product available in stock : 1000 Contact with the seller
  • 462.00₴

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The UHL-MASH company offers fixed industrial wheels of the A-A02-160 model. They are used in various industries such as medicine, trade, manufacturing and logistics. Wheels ensure fast, reliable and safe movement of loads. With their help, the transportation of products within the warehouse and the surrounding area is optimized. Industrial wheels model A-A02-160 are designed for use on stands, trolleys and other warehouse equipment. The fixed design has a diameter of 125 mm and has a high load capacity. The wheels are easy to maneuver, allowing you to move between loaded racks. In addition, the sliding bearing ensures smooth and quiet operation, increasing the convenience of moving loads. Industrial-type wheels have low rolling resistance. The durable disc is made of sheet steel, which is galvanized and chrome-plated. This protects surfaces from corrosion. Such wheels can be used in rooms with different microclimates. They are not harmed by contact with water, as well as cleaning using non-aggressive detergents. The contact layer of the wheel is made of black cast rubber. The material is puncture resistant and can handle most floor unevenness. The rubber layer does not leave marks on the floor, which allows the wheels to be used in rooms with different types of floors. Industrial wheels A-A02-160 have pronounced anti-vibration properties. You can purchase them in the assortment of our online store UHL-MASH.
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
Brand 1563|1559|1557
Model А-А02-160
Відстань між отворами площадки, мм 2316
Діаметр, мм 160
Диаметр, мм 160
Навантаження на колесо, кг 2327
Нагрузка на колесо, кг 2327
Рабочая высота, мм 2322
Размер площадки/посадочный диаметр, мм 2311
Расстояние между отверстиями площадки, мм 2316
Робоча висота, мм 2322
Розмір площадки/посадочний діаметр, мм 2311

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