Wooden blocks big set
Seller | ТОВ "ЛісЛіс" |
Brand: | ТзОВ "Лісліс" |
Product Code: | 09 |
SKU : | 09 |
- 2 or more 33.93€
- 10 or more 24.23€
- 51 or more 20.08€
You can request a product via the "Contact with the seller" form.
Seller | ТОВ "ЛісЛіс" |
Brand: | ТзОВ "Лісліс" |
Product Code: | 09 |
SKU : | 09 |
You can request a product via the "Contact with the seller" form.
1. 144 elements and 7 different shapes (big) and 86 elements and 5 different shapes (small)
2. Minimalistic design and simplicity of shapes that opens the space for imagination
3. Safe and durable Wooden Blocks made from beech, maple and walnut, which does not contain varnishes and paints
4. Variety of wood textures to stimulate creative and figurative thinking
5. Appropriate for ages 3 years and older
Lislis Wooden
Block creates the necessary foundation for the child's comprehensive
development; it contributes to the formation of creative and logical thinking,
the sense of beauty, attention and purposefulness. When playing, kids develop
the coordination of movements, inventiveness and logic. Such games extend the
child’s understanding of the interaction of shape, size, space. The toy is
designed for individual and group activities of children from 3 years. It
promotes the purposeful actions, the formation of the ability to play.