Set of Easter eggs coloring "Schoolboy"

Set of Easter eggs coloring "Schoolboy"

VerkäuferZrobyv Tato
Marke:Zrobyv Tato
Artikelnr. SP0037
SKU : SP0037
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Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 174,00₴

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The set of decorative Easter eggs coloring “Schoolboy” from the Lviv workshop Zrobyv Tato is an original Easter set for creativity, specially designed for school-age children. All elements of the set are made of natural environmentally friendly wood (high-quality sanded plywood 4 mm thick).

The set of Easter eggs-coloring “Schoolboy” is a great opportunity to spend a few hours of creative leisure with a child and join them to the ancient Ukrainian tradition of Easter egg painting.

In addition, such decorations, created by your child, will be the original decoration of the Easter basket, or will be an exquisite element of the spring decor of your home.

Also, a set of our Easter eggs-coloring can serve as a good pre-Easter gift for both children and adults.

The set includes 3 decorative Easter eggs on spikes. For coloring Zrobyv Tato recommends pencils, gouache or acrylic paint.

Only ecological materials and technologies are used in the manufacturing process

Zrobyv Tato!
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