Bread box. HDPE type PL-2 600x400x147 mm original with succulent bottom.

Bread box. HDPE type PL-2 600x400x147 mm original with succulent bottom.

SellerТзОВ "Алфаінтерпласт"
Product Code: Ящик для хліба. HDPE тип ПЛ-2 600х400х147 мм оригінальний з суцільним дном.
SKU : 1225376574
Availability: By request
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  • 4.12€

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HDPE box type PL-2 560x400x300 mm perforated with a solid bottom, it can be used for saving and transporting bread and bakery products.141 UAH. with delivery Delivery.Temperature conditions - +50? С -30?
* Attention. Product description can be obtained by machine translation.
position id Allbiz 20560763
Unit of measurement pieces

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