Stylish men's embroidered T-shirt "Hetman" white with red XL

Stylish men's embroidered T-shirt "Hetman" white with red XL

Artikelnr. M-37-XL
SKU : 1589291503
Verfügbarkeit : 1000 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 18.98€

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We bring to your attention our new model of men's embroidered T-shirt with short sleeves Getman, which will certainly become a TOP model. The T-shirt is made on white cotton fabric and decorated with fine red embroidery. This combination of colors makes the T-shirt even more festive. The T-shirt fits perfectly and will highlight all the advantages of your manly figure. Ideal for wearing in warm weather, because it is made of natural breathable fabric. The stand-up collar and ties highlight the traditional motifs of the embroidered T-shirt. “MELANIKA” is modern embroidery with Ukrainian history.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Вышивка
Farbe Белый
Gr??e XL
Produkttyp Футболка
Saison Лето
Stickerei Крестиком|Машинная
Stofftyp Хлопок
Zusammensetzung 95% хлопок , 5 % еластан
Zustand Новое

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