Fantasy 240

Fantasy 240

Marke:ТОВ "Ігротеко"
Artikelnr. Дерев'яний конструктор
SKU : 900033
Verfügbarkeit : 10 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 19,98€

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Constructor "FANTASY 240" - a great way for a child to have fun and benefit from "Igroteco"! This versatile designer has truly fabulous capabilities! It does not limit the child to any framework, allowing him to realize his various plans! If you need additional parts - they can always be purchased in sets of 60, 120 and 240 parts.

The versatility of the FANTASY designer is expressed in the ability to create both simple mosaic (2D) and complex three-dimensional shapes (3D), which allows children of all ages to play with it. They are able to capture the attention of your baby for a long time, allowing you to build and design many interesting models.

240 parts (one, two, three, four + 12 bonus half-bars), patented lock, 2D and 3D models, study of number composition, symmetry, mathematical operations and proportions.

All wooden children's constructors of the IGROTEKO company are compatible with each other and complement each other.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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