Decorative toy on a spike “Sunny Chicken"

Decorative toy on a spike “Sunny Chicken"

VerkäuferZrobyv Tato
Marke:Zrobyv Tato
Artikelnr. SP19006
SKU : SP19006
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  • 48.00₴

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"Sunny Chicken"

Decorative toy on the tip "Sunny Chicken" from Lviv workshop Zrobyv Tato - Easter handmade decoration made of natural wood (high-quality polished plywood 4 mm thick) and covered with environmentally friendly acrylic paint.

This thing will be a good addition to the spring decoration of your home, or an exquisite decoration of the Easter basket. Also, this toy from the Lviv workshop Zrobyv Tato will be a cute Easter souvenir for your loved one.

Only ecological materials and technologies are used in the manufacturing process

Zrobyv Tato!
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