Gaming vest Army camouflage Multicam Tropic with pockets

Gaming vest Army camouflage Multicam Tropic with pockets

VerkäuferARMY KIDS
Artikelnr. 22-506
SKU : 1764370508
Verfügbarkeit : 100 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 24,35€

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Gaming vest Army camouflage Multicam Tropic with pockets code: 22-506 We bring to the attention of parents a gaming vest. Thanks to the Velcro straps, it can be adjusted to suit different children's heights. There are two pockets on the front under one flap. Give your child such a vest and believe me, he will be delighted with such a gift! Toy body armor for children. On the front there is Velcro for a call sign, MOLLE fastening and 2 pockets. The inside of the body armor is made of soft 3D mesh, which makes it comfortable to wear. The height is adjustable using a belt, the volume is adjustable with Velcro, which allows you to wear it both on outerwear and on a T-shirt or fleece. Made from high-quality fabric with rip-stop threads and used for sewing tactical clothing for adults. CHECK AVAILABILITY! *color or shade in the photo may differ from the real one Front: 26.5 cm.*23.5 cm. Rear: 26 cm.*22 cm.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
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