Set "Sweet Moments"

Set "Sweet Moments"

VerkäuferZrobyv Tato
Marke:Zrobyv Tato
Artikelnr. RIZ0005
SKU : RIZ0005
Verfügbarkeit : Stehen zur Verfügung Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 618,00₴

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"Sweet Moments" The set "Sweet Moments" is specially created to preserve the sweetest family memories. After all, it is so important for every mom and dad to watch their baby grow, develop and mature. The set includes 12 memo-discs, on which are engraved the "most important" events in the life of the baby, such as the first smile, the first word or the first baby tooth! Mom and Dad just have to record the exact date of this event! The discs are made of environmentally friendly natural wood (high-quality sanded plywood). Our set also includes an original canvas bag for storing discs. Only ecological materials and technologies are used in the manufacturing process.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.

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