Linex sofa mattress 100x190x5 cm, cream

Linex sofa mattress 100x190x5 cm, cream

Artikelnr. мфб-100
SKU : 1804758911
Verfügbarkeit : 1000 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 104.38€

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Linen futon mattress in cotton fabric.


Made from natural materials produced in Ukraine.

The filler is 100% pressed linen, which has such natural qualities as: antiseptic properties and the ability to maintain its temperature balance. Such qualities have a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the sleeping place, and this prevents bacteria from spreading and overheating during sleep. And this, in turn, will contribute to proper rest.

Cotton felt is used as an elastic base, which gives elasticity to the mattress and evenly distributes the weight along the entire perimeter of the product.

Mattresses are covered with 100% undyed cotton fabric of high density - 250 g/m2. This density allows you to increase the service life of the product.

The height of the mattress is 5 cm.allows you to use it as an additional flooring or a full-fledged sleeping place.

Such mattresses are well suited for “hiding” unevenness of sofas, folding beds, armchairs and chaise lounges. They can also be used as mattress covers for spring mattresses and simply laid on the floor.

Huge range of high-quality linen products

developed using innovative technologies

The undeniable advantages of linen products:
Antiseptic and bactericidal properties lead to the healing of small cracks and wounds on the skin.
Hygroscopic qualities — The tubular structure of the fibers endows the material with excellent hygroscopic qualities, which facilitates the absorption of moisture and its rapid removal to the outside, allowing you to forget about the greenhouse effect once and for all.
Breathability— The breathability of linen allows the skin to breathe freely.
Antistaticproperties of the fabric help cope with electromagnetic radiation without attracting electricity and dust
High strength— Possessing high strength, linen products will delight you with their original appearance for many years, without losing the characteristics set by the manufacturer.
LinTex company - everything for your convenience and good rest!

Flax has truly fantastic properties that help the body cope with various kinds of diseases. Our ancestors chose this particular fabric when wrapping a newly born baby in a linen sheet, considering it the best protection for the baby.

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* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
Bezugsseite 1 бязь
Bezugsseite 2 бязь
Breite 100
Höhe 5
L?nge 190
Matratze F?llung лен|хлопчатобумажный войлок с латексным наполнителем
Matratzenform Прямоугольный
Matratzengr??e, cm 100х190х5
Matratzenseite 1 Средний
Matratzenseite 2 Средний
Matratzentyp беспружинный
Orthop?dische Eigenschaften Да
Winter-Sommer-Effekt Нет

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