Women's Summer Short Sleeve T-Shirt with Brown Embroidery "Nature Expression" 3XL

Women's Summer Short Sleeve T-Shirt with Brown Embroidery "Nature Expression" 3XL

Artikelnr. G-56-3XL
SKU : 1528648925
Verfügbarkeit : 1000 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 616.00₴

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A neat white embroidered T-shirt for women of this model is a unique witness to the richness of Ukrainian embroidery. To create it, designers used ancient embroidery patterns. Shades of brown created an absolute mood of restraint and strength. Although the composition is made in a geometric style, the notes of oak branches and acorns are clearly visible. As they say, you have to read between the lines. The ornaments are located on the front in the neckline area. The base is snow-white fabric made of viscose and elastane. It is light and of high quality, so it will not create discomfort or deformation after repeated washings.
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
?rmelform Kurz
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Stickerei
Boden Damen
Farbe Wei?
Gr??e 3XL
Muster und Drucke Stickmuster
Produkttyp T-Shirt
Saison Sommer
Stickerei Satinstich
Stofftyp Viskose
Zusammensetzung 95 % Viskose, 5 % Elasthan
Zustand Neu

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