Women's white-on-white embroidered T-shirt "Delicate Carpathian ornament"

Women's white-on-white embroidered T-shirt "Delicate Carpathian ornament"

Artikelnr. A-3
SKU : 200129401
Verfügbarkeit Nicht verfügbar
Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 858,00₴

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An incredibly elegant and stylish embroidered long-sleeve T-shirt for women will adorn any representative of the fair sex. It is impossible to overestimate the beauty of this model. The embroidery is made using machine embroidery techniques. The geometric embroidered composition combines two calm pastel shades: white and gray. The front and sleeves of this model are decorated with luxurious stands. The embroidered T-shirt is based on high-quality viscose with the addition of elastane. You will feel comfortable in this embroidered shirt. It is better to coordinate the sizes with the size table presented below. Type of embroidery: machine Composition: viscose - 95%, elastane - 5%
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
?rmelform Lang
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Stickerei
Boden Weiblich
Farbe Wei?
Gr??e Выберете размер
Internationale Gr??e S
Muster und Drucke Gestickte Muster
Produkttyp T-Shirt
Saison Весна/Осень
Stickerei Крестиком|Машинная
Stofftyp Viskose
Zusammensetzung 95% Viskose, 5% Elasthan
Zustand Neu

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