Women's embroidered T-shirt in youth style “Lily with red” S

Women's embroidered T-shirt in youth style “Lily with red” S

Artikelnr. G-82-S
SKU : 1528582644
Verfügbarkeit : 1000 Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer
  • 616,00₴

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T-shirt - which will not leave anyone indifferent. This style should be in your wardrobe. The shirt will go well with everyday looks. Bright T-shirt with delicate Ukrainian symbols. The embroidery is done using machine cross stitch technique. Product material - viscose. Black and white threads against a background of bright red fabric. The colors combine well with each other and reproduce the boundless love for their native land. You can choose your size using the table below. Bright summer with Melanika!
* Die Produktbeschreibung kann durch maschinelle Übersetzung erhalten werden.
?rmelform Kurz
Bes?tze und Verzierungen Stickerei
Boden Damen
Farbe Rot
Gr??e S
Internationale Gr??e S
Muster und Drucke Stickmuster
Produkttyp T-Shirt
Saison Sommer
Stickerei Крестиком|Машинная
Stofftyp Baumwolle
Zusammensetzung 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan
Zustand Neu

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